Uncover the hidden wonders of Invisalign in Weybridge

Each year, thousands of Britons are seeking essential orthodontic work to achieve a stronger, healthier and more cohesive looking smile. Whilst, on the whole, the numbers of those seeking treatment is on the rise, there is still a large proportion of the population who are dissuaded from seeking out required treatments, out of fear as to how orthodontics will negatively impact their outward appearance. This generally spans from out-dated ideas and mis-information that results in imagery of large, cumbersome head-gear and lisp-inducing braces. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth, as today there are a number of discreet dental alignment options, such as Invisalign in Weybridge, which afford patients the ability to achieve a straighter looking smile, without attracting any unwanted attention.

Discreetly different

The Invisalign method is a revolutionary new form of orthodontics, developed by Zia Chishti and Kelsey Wirth in 1997. After witnessing first hand the negative impact that orthodontics at that time could have on someone’s outward appearance and speech, Chishti decided to take matters into his own hands, and despite having no formal orthodontic training, Chishti forever changed what was previously thought possible within the world of orthodontics, with his Invisalign retainer. The basis of the Invisalign method is to negate the need for conventional orthodontic tools and methods – such as fused brackets and metal wires – with a removable, clear plastic retainer, which is constructed from a patented plastic known as SmartTrack, used for its uniquely durable, yet malleable nature. When worn over the duration of treatment (which typically lasts around twelve months, but varies depending on the severity of each case) the aligner uses specifically placed pressure points to gradually push the patient’s teeth back into their correct alignment. Since it’s initial launch in 2001, the Invisalign method has grown vastly in popularity, and has helped restore the smiles of over 7 million happy patients worldwide, with a large portion of these being teenagers.

Invisible ingenuity

One of the primary reasons behind the Invisalign brace’s success within the demographics of teenagers and young adults, is the discreet nature of the process. Each SmartTrack aligner is custom made for each unique patient, and moulded around the specific contours of their teeth. As such, when worn, it fits so snugly over the patient’s teeth that it becomes practically invisible. This, uniquely separates the Invisalign method from other, more traditional forms of orthodontics, as it allows patients to undergo essential dental realignment, without attracting any unwanted attention from peers or colleagues.

Another unique quality of the Invisalign method, is the removable nature of the process. Again, unlike other, more traditional methods of dental realignment, the Invisalign retainer is entirely removable. This allows a patient the ability to choose when they carry out treatment around their own schedules – such as opting out on special occasions. This, in turn, can have a massively positive impact on the self-esteem and confidence of those who are undertaking the Invisalign process, as it allows them the unique ability to achieve a straighter, healthier looking smile, without sacrificing their outward appearance as a result.

What are dental implants, and why might individuals choose to have dental implants in Birmingham?

Aerial view of a dentist's chair

Dental implants are essentially a form of restorative dentistry that aims to replace a missing tooth (or even several teeth) within the mouth. Dental implants consist of three aspects, one of which is the base. The base of the dental implant (aiming to mimic the tooth root) could be argued as the most vital part of the dental implant. The base of the dental implant is a small titanium screw, a sturdy base that aims to support both the abutment, and the crown. The abutment (also commonly referred to as the connector) connects both the base of the dental implant, and the porcelain crown (aiming to mimic the natural crown of the tooth). The porcelain crown is manufactured as the most aesthetically pleasing aspect of the dental implant, as it is custom made for each individual (in terms of shape and shade) to match the patient’s surrounding teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants essentially aim to replicate the natural teeth, and have many benefits. Dental implants are extremely sturdy, and can help reduce disfigurement of the face (which can be caused by missing teeth within the mouth).

One main advantage of dental implants, are their high level of durability. When individuals look after their dental implants correctly, they can last a lifetime. One of the key benefits in terms of this specific dental treatment is the durability and discreet appearance that they possess. Once dental implants are fully healed within the mouth, they should not be recognisable in comparison to the surrounding teeth.

Why may some individuals be nervous about undergoing dental implants?

Certain individuals may be inclined to miss their dental check-up, or may be reluctant to undergo any form of dental treatment due to an irrational fear. Although not all dental phobias are caused by negative memories, these can unfortunately be carried into adulthood, and consequently never be resolved. Within modern dentistry, the majority of dental clinics should have means to deal with nervous or anxious patients. Individuals who are experiencing anxiety may wish to undergo a form of sedation or therapy. Individuals who do feel nervous within a dental environment should choose a dental clinic with a comforting atmosphere, in order for them to feel at ease. This should be where all the information about the implant procedure can be explained and although there may be a level of discomfort during the procedure there are many ways for this to be alleviated in a modern practice.

Do dental implants require extensive after care?

No! Despite common misconception, dental implants do not require an extensive dental aftercare regime. Some patients who are looking to undergo this form of restorative dentistry may require a rigorous aftercare routine due to the extent of the procedure, however this is not necessarily the case. An individual’s healing time can vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors (such as the severity of the case, and the number of the implants within the mouth). Once the dental implants have healed, individuals can resume a normal dental hygiene routine, such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash.

Cosmetic dentistry for everyone

Woman smiling in the mirror

It was once believed that having teeth professionally cleaned, whitened, straightened or perfected was for the rich and famous, with prices a staggering amount for the average household to be able to afford.

These days, Sheen Dental in Richmond seeks to provide their patients with affordable treatment plans which allow them to have the smile that they have always wanted and that they truly deserve. It is the belief of these professionals that every individual is entitled to have healthy, strong teeth that they are proud to share with the world, and that having cosmetic treatments in order to enhance and beautify one’s smile should be available to all.

By speaking with a professional, patients are able to understand what options are available to them and why it is better for their overall health and well-being to perfect their smile. Cosmetic dentistry not only creates a more aesthetically pleasing smile for the individual and those around them to enjoy, it is likely that such treatments will allow teeth and gums to be more easily cleaned and therefore will keep them healthier and stronger, to be enjoyed for many more years to come.

Those who have invested in the appearance of their teeth rarely regret the experience. They simply wish that they had done it sooner so that they could experience the feelings of improved self-esteem and other feelings of enjoyment that comes from loving one’s smile. A smile speaks a thousand words, so patients need to ensure that their smile is the best that it can be.

What are some treatments available?

From teeth whitening, to complex straightening to effective and fast porcelain veneers, there is a treatment plan for every person that can improve their physical and emotional well-being. Straighter teeth are healthier teeth and many dentists will agree that by straightening crooked or gapped teeth, a patient will experience vastly improved oral health.

This can be done with many different kinds of devices including traditional braces, as well as invisible and removable braces that are increasing in popularity. A dentist will explain every option that is available to a patient so that they are aware of the advantages and potential risks of every treatment plan. They are then able to come to an agreement with their dentist as to the best plan of action to pursue.

For those people who have several complaints about their visible teeth, porcelain veneers might be a suitable option. They can combat misshapen or slightly crooked teeth, chipped, broken or cracked teeth, as well as permanently discoloured teeth, quickly and easily.

A veneer is simply a very thin shell that is glued onto teeth, not unlike a false nail glued to one’s natural nail. They are very durable and can last up to and over a decade if cared for properly.

With many different shapes, styles and colours available, dentists will be able to perfectly match a veneer for it to perfectly blend in with a patient’s natural teeth, or if the patient is looking for a smile makeover, they can enjoy perfectly shaped and perfectly white, straight teeth in an instant.

Scared of the dentist? Treatment Options That May Help

Woman getting her mouth checked out by the dentist

Are you one of the thousands of people in London who are scared of the dentist?

While fear of the dentist, or dentophobia as it is known, is common, it can cause serious issues to both your physical and mental health.

It is normal to avoid things that scare us; if you were bitten by a dog as a child, chances are you may not be too fond of them as an adult. Similarly, if you had a bad experience at a dental surgery when you were young, or you were just introduced to dental check-ups too late, you are likely to be less than thrilled when you need to have them.

Luckily, in London, the majority of dental surgeries are supportive and compassionate towards phobic patients. When you are searching for a dentist in W1 to attend with a dental phobia, you may be amazed at the treatment options they can provide you with, to make your visits easier to manage.

Being more open

The days of the lecturing dentist belittling patients who present with plaque and decay is long gone; as this is one of the reasons why so many people developed a dental phobia in the past, it is not a loss to the industry!

Nowadays, inform any potential dental team of your worries and they will be able to offer you a variety of calming techniques, based on the level of your phobia while in the chair.

If you have a mild phobia, the team will discuss with you what they are doing at each stage and even devise a set of hand signals, so you can alert them when you need a break.

This gives you more control over the situation and shows you that dental professionals respect your individual needs as a patient.

Relaxing music

Is it the sound of the drill that worries you?

A dentist in W1 will combat this common fear with the use of headphones, which play a range of relaxing sounds, music or even audiobooks. Ask the reception staff about bringing in your own set of headphones with your favourite music if you prefer; if it helps you relax, it will probably be acceptable!


Need a bit more than music?

Why not ask if any of the dental surgeries have televisions that you can watch? Many rooms designed for phobic patients to be treated in have televisions suspended from the ceiling, allowing you a comfortable position to watch from, while your dental team examines your teeth.


If your phobia is severe, then you will need to find a dental surgery that offers sedation.

There are 2 main types typically offered; nitrous oxide (or laughing gas), which is breathed in through a mask and will leave you partially conscious.

The second type is intravenous sedation (IV), which will leave you unconscious throughout the procedure. For this type, you will need to ensure that you have a responsible family member or friend to take you home after your procedure.

Why the Invisalign teen range is ideal for your child

Invisalign and patient's hand hovering

Every parent wants to make sure that their child gets braces that they are happy with. Traditional braces can stand out and often cause your child to feel self-conscious, even though they should not be. Getting food caught in these appliances can be problematic, as can making sure that they stay clean and free from a build-up of plaque. This can cause damage to be done to your child’s teeth when their appliance is removed.

Getting your child Invisalign in Kings Hill can prevent you from needing to worry about all of these things. The aligners are barely noticeable to others as they are made from a thin, clear plastic and ft comfortably over the top of your child’s teeth. They are easily removable and can straighten a majority of crooked teeth in up to twelve months.

A treatment with clear and simple instructions

It is important that your child understands how their treatment works, and thankfully this treatment is incredibly simple. Your child will be given a series of sets of aligners to wear. Each set must be worn in order and for around two weeks at a time each. You will be expected to make sure that your child changes their aligners at the right times.

The aligners themselves must be worn for at least twenty-two hours of the day. You must ensure that they are wearing their aligners for the correct amount of time otherwise their treatment may not work as desired and it may take longer for their teeth to move into their new positions. In some cases where aligners are not worn properly treatment will need to be completely restarted. The teen range of these aligners comes with a helpful blue indicator strip, This will aid you when it comes to finding out if your child is wearing their appliance correctly, as the blue strip will wear away as the aligners are worn more.

A treatment that does not stand in the way of life

One of the most beneficial things about your child opting for this treatment is the fact that their lifestyle will remain completely uninterrupted. Small things, like being able to continue to play their musical instrument after they have started teeth straightening treatment, can maintain their overall happiness throughout treatment. Other options are less convenient and can sometimes get in the way of hobbies such as playing musical instruments or playing sports that require mouthguards. The fact that this appliance is removable means your child can easily put it in and take it out as required when at school, without having to worry about missing out on their favourite activities.

The removable nature of the appliance helps your child when it comes to cleaning teeth and eating too. They can eat with confidence with their friends at school without worrying about getting food stuck in their braces, and they can clean their teeth without having to work around a fixed appliance. Sometimes plaque can build-up around fixed braces, especially in younger patients where they are less vigilant when it comes to teeth cleaning. Having a removable appliance makes it easier for them to continue to clean their teeth efficiently whilst going through their treatment.


Why veneer treatments are used to showcase the best looking smile

Picture of a tooth veneer

A poll conducted by RealSelf, an online doctor booking platform – has revealed the top three cosmetic dental procedures that 43 percent of UK respondents want; teeth straightening, teeth whitening and artificial coverings or shells that fit over the tooth. Veneers in Liverpool are placed over the enamel which is the surface layer of the tooth and can either be made out of porcelain (a very popular choice with many patients) or out of a composite material.

According to the NHS, veneer treatments are useful for addressing dental issues such as appearance and oral health. Many dental professionals suggest veneers as a suitable treatment option to patients who need to:

  • Address teeth spacing issues
  • Fix malformed or chipped teeth
  • Improve length and colour of teeth

The two great benefits of veneers are their long-term use and the incredible aesthetic results they produce. As the procedure does not require complicated or time-consuming methods, it is ideal for patients who are put off by lengthy treatment plans.

What do veneer treatments require from patients?

  • A firm decision

Having a veneer procedure carried out is irreversible. Once the tooth is prepared (it may need to be shaved to the required shape and size), the shell is bonded to the enamel, it cannot be removed.

  • Know that a replacement procedure may be needed down the line

The longevity of any dental procedure will depend on many factors – a significant one being the behaviour of patients with regards to oral health.

  • Be aware of side-effects

The side-effects may vary from patient to patient but the most common one associated with veneers is tooth sensitivity. It is not usual for a patient to experience pain and should a patient feel any discomfort, they should address this with their dentist as soon as possible.

  • Regular dental visits are recommended to maintain aesthetic value

It is up to the patient to ensure that they maintain the aesthetically pleasing results of their veneer treatment by having a dentist carry out routine professional teeth cleaning treatments. These appointments are also necessary to support their dental health goals.

  • Choose a dental practitioner with the relevant experience and proficiencies

The end results of veneer treatments will depend to a large extent on the capabilities and experience of the practicing dental practitioner. Seeing that this type of procedure is above all a cosmetic one, this is an important factor that a patient should not neglect.

Veneers are a relatively quick and easy option for patients looking to enhance their overall smile. Treatments can work towards improving the colour of teeth or solving crooked teeth issues. Patients can opt to have veneers placed on a few teeth or an entire set of teeth. To make the best decision, it is advisable to consult a practising dentist to discuss all options.

Any experienced dentist will carry out an oral examination to first determine dental health and then discuss treatment options available that will target a patient’s goals and needs that will suit their budget. Give your dentist a call today to schedule a consultation.

All About Fat Cells and How to Eliminate Them

Woman who had coolsculpting treatment

During our lifetime, our body produces a set amount of fat cells that vary from person-to-person. These fat cells expand when you put on weight which, in turn, widens your waistline and contracts when you lose weight. Shrinking fat cells spell for a trimmer, slimmer and healthier you.

The technology used for Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire, cryolipolysis, does more than shrinking targeted fat cells but removes them from the body entirely.

What does the treatment, Coolsculpting Buckinghamshire, entail?

A vacuum-like device, with cooling plates attached, is applied to the area where the fat cells are being targeted. The function of the cooling plates is to kill these cells by exposing them to cold temperatures they cannot survive in. The body then absorbs the dead fat cells and eventually eliminates them from the body as waste.

Is Coolsculpting uncomfortable?

Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire is considered a non-invasive procedure, where patients undergoing the treatment will feel minimal discomfort. Experiences might vary: some might feel a slight tug or pinch as the vacuum-like device suctions the area being treated, whereas others might only feel a tingling sensation brought on by the cold, or entirely numb.

When am I likely to see results from Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire?

You will see up to a 40% fat reduction in specific areas, with an average of 20-25%. That said, results are gradual, with the first noticeable body changes occurring (in some cases) a couple to three weeks after treatment and the optimum results taking effect between three and six months.

For some areas, you might have to undergo multiple sessions before you start seeing visible results.

Can I expect a full body transformation after a session of Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire?

While you might see incredible improvements, it is essential to note that Coolsculpting is not a miracle cure, nor a form of extreme weight loss.

Are the results permanent?

In technical terms, Coolsculpting is a permanent procedure in that the targeted fat cells, destroyed by the cold temperatures, cannot be regenerated. That said, there are remaining fat cells which can expand and contract. Without accompanying your Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire with regular exercise and a balanced diet, your chances of putting the fat back on are high.

Given that you are healthy and active, you can enjoy your newly contoured body for years to come!

Is fat loss and weight loss the same?

Coolsculpting in Buckinghamshire should not be regarded as an alternative to weight loss. Instead, it should be used when stubborn fat won’t budge, even with healthy eating and exercise.

Suitable candidates are people who are within 10-15kgs of their ideal weight and not people who are looking to shed some serious body mass.

Is anyone a candidate?

Coolsculpting works equally well in men and women of all ages. That said, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot be treated.

As mentioned earlier, Coolsculpting is not a method of weight loss; ergo, should not be used for treating obesity.

There are certain pre-existing conditions that fat freezing exacerbates, learn more here.

Self-conscious by your muffin top, love handles or triple chins? Freeze your fat right off with Coolsculpting.


You Don’t Need to Feel Self-Conscious With Braces

Young girl smiling with braces

Lots of people are worried when they are told that they need braces, and many people avoid treatment because they think that having braces will make them feel insecure and worry about what other people will think. Luckily there are several treatments that are available ensuring you can straighten your teeth effectively and discreetly. If you have been looking for a subtle way to improve the straightness of your teeth, then having clear braces in Harley Street could be the ideal treatment for you.

The same for all types of straightening treatments, the first step you will need to take is to book a consultation appointment with your dental professional. They will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and inform you if you require any additional types of treatment, before you undergo your straightening treatment. Sometimes you will need to wear an appliance to align your jaw properly, and if you suffer from overcrowding you may need to have a couple of teeth removed before the straightening treatment can begin.

Treatments that are barely noticeable

Unlike the traditional metal braces you can have, clear appliances offer you a decidedly more subtle option and have clear, plastic brackets that attach to the surface of tooth instead of metal ones or coloured bands. You can also speak to your dental practitioner about getting clear or tooth coloured wire to connect the brackets, making these braces even more discreet.

Whether you have overlapping teeth or gaps in between them, these problems can be easily rectified with this appliance. How long your treatment will take will depend upon the severity of your situation. It can be anything from around eighteen months to two years, but your dental practitioner will be able to confirm this with you at your appointment.


Invisalign aligners work exactly the same as a traditional brace and will help you achieve a straight, even smile. They are completely clear and fit tightly but comfortably over your teeth, so they are barely noticeable to other people. Your dental practitioner will provide you with several sets of aligners that have been custom-made for you. Each set will need to be worn for around two weeks, gradually moving your teeth into their new positions.

The aligners are easily removable, so you can brush your teeth as normal, but they need to be worn for a minimum of twenty-two hours a day to ensure that the treatment works correctly. You are able to take your aligners out when you are eating as well, which adds to the convenience of the brace as you do not need to worry about food getting caught in it.

Once your Invisalign treatment is completed and your teeth are perfectly straight, you will be issued with a retainer to maintain your teeth’s new positions. This must be worn for a minimum of six months, but some people can end up needing to wear a retainer at night for the rest of their life. This is something that your dental practitioner will discuss with you.

3 Reasons To Get Invisible Braces in Clapham

Woman smiling

Aligning your teeth has never been easier, or more discreet. Maybe for years, you’ve been watching as one, two and now three teeth have slowly started to shift in your mouth. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to get invisible braces in Clapham, but you’ve had many unanswered questions. Well below are three good reasons on why you should consider getting invisible braces.

  1. Discretion will be your new best friend

If you’ve seen the more traditional braces, perhaps one of the questions on your mind is, how can braces be invisible? And maybe you have some doubts and want to know if your invisible braces in Clapham will actually be discreet?

To answer the first question; you’ll often find that there is more than one kind of invisible brace option. For example, at some dental centres, they offer international brands like Invisalign and Damon. Invisalign is a good option if you want removable aligners that have been created to shape to your teeth, and slowly shift your teeth into the correct place over a period of time. These aligners fit so closely to your teeth that often you can’t see the device. This discreet option is made of clear yet durable plastic, that as mentioned has been created to be unique to you and your teeth.

Another option is to have the fixed invisible braces that are attached to your teeth but at the back, also known as lingual braces They use customised brackets and archwires moving teeth in a similar way to traditional braces. Being behind the teeth they are virtually unnoticeable to the casual observer.

  1. Cleaning your teeth is easy when you have invisible braces

When your invisible braces are fitted, it’s quite easy to clean your teeth and your braces. With any kind of invisible brace, you will brush, floss and gargle but with a more gentle approach. If you have the removable aligners, then you’ll pop them back into your mouth after cleaning your teeth. While wearing fixed braces, this means that the process of cleaning your teeth is slightly different. You will rinse your mouth out first to get rid of any loose remains. Then you will need to brush your teeth and braces with a softer toothbrush.

It’s also worthwhile to check with your dentist about the kinds of foods and drinks you can have while wearing your invisible braces, and how to clean them if they are more prone to staining.

  1. Dental work will improve your smile and overall appearance

Imagine not being ashamed of your teeth? Imagine not having to hide your laugh behind your hand? Imagine feeling free to talk, eat, laugh and live as freely as you like because your teeth finally look the way you always hoped they would? You can do all of this by getting invisible braces.

Gaps in your mouth, overlapping teeth or shifting teeth can alter your appearance and affect your confidence. But by deciding to focus on your teeth, you can alter your overall appearance and boost your confidence in the process.

What Are The Options for Replacing Teeth?

Dentist working on a female patient

Once a person loses one or some of their teeth, it is very important to consider replacing them as soon as possible in order to minimise the negative impact that this can have on oral health and the body in general.

Not only can it have a drastic impact on a person’s appearance, prematurely aging them as their face sags at the site of the lost tooth, but it can cause remaining, surrounding teeth to shift and cause further problems to a person’s bite and speech.

Nutritional changes that naturally occur as a person finds it difficult to eat certain foods, can also have a detrimental effect on overall body health as well. It is important to limit these impacts by seeking informed advice from one of the helpful professionals at High Dental Implants Melbourne as quickly as possible.

There are two options for replacing teeth, each one coming with their own individual advantages and concerns. Implants are an extremely popular method that involves replacing the tooth root with a metal rod that fuses with the jawbone over time, creating a permanent solution that acts as naturally as the original tooth.

This allows for minimal disadvantages that other treatment options can present with, such as jawbone density loss over time. If the surgical procedure bodes well and a patient carefully cares for their replacement tooth, the issues with infection and rejection are extremely low and a patient can enjoy a healthy and long lasting replacement tooth.

Bridges can either be supported by a tooth implant or can be attached to surrounding teeth with metal wires. This is the other method that is available when it comes to replacing teeth. A dentist will discuss the patient’s suitability for each method and point out any factors to their patients that are unique to their situation.

This allows their patients to make an informed decision about what treatment option is best for them so that they can be comfortable with the choice that they make.

How does an implant work?

A titanium rod is surgically inserted into a precise location using the latest digital scans to ensure maximum comfort and minimal healing time. Titanium is used because it naturally fuses with bone, creating a permanent solution that blends and works with the body.

It can take several weeks for the body to heal after the minor surgery and several months for the body to bond with the implant. A crown or bridge is attached to the implant and great lengths are taken to ensure that replacement teeth look and feel as natural as possible.

Unfortunately, some patients are not suitable for this procedure and it is important to speak with a competent dentist to understand whether one is eligible or not. Those who have underlying health conditions or have gum disease or tooth decay may need to have these concerns dealt with before they continue on with this treatment plan.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.