What are dental implants, and why might individuals choose to have dental implants in Birmingham?

Aerial view of a dentist's chair

Dental implants are essentially a form of restorative dentistry that aims to replace a missing tooth (or even several teeth) within the mouth. Dental implants consist of three aspects, one of which is the base. The base of the dental implant (aiming to mimic the tooth root) could be argued as the most vital part of the dental implant. The base of the dental implant is a small titanium screw, a sturdy base that aims to support both the abutment, and the crown. The abutment (also commonly referred to as the connector) connects both the base of the dental implant, and the porcelain crown (aiming to mimic the natural crown of the tooth). The porcelain crown is manufactured as the most aesthetically pleasing aspect of the dental implant, as it is custom made for each individual (in terms of shape and shade) to match the patient’s surrounding teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants essentially aim to replicate the natural teeth, and have many benefits. Dental implants are extremely sturdy, and can help reduce disfigurement of the face (which can be caused by missing teeth within the mouth).

One main advantage of dental implants, are their high level of durability. When individuals look after their dental implants correctly, they can last a lifetime. One of the key benefits in terms of this specific dental treatment is the durability and discreet appearance that they possess. Once dental implants are fully healed within the mouth, they should not be recognisable in comparison to the surrounding teeth.

Why may some individuals be nervous about undergoing dental implants?

Certain individuals may be inclined to miss their dental check-up, or may be reluctant to undergo any form of dental treatment due to an irrational fear. Although not all dental phobias are caused by negative memories, these can unfortunately be carried into adulthood, and consequently never be resolved. Within modern dentistry, the majority of dental clinics should have means to deal with nervous or anxious patients. Individuals who are experiencing anxiety may wish to undergo a form of sedation or therapy. Individuals who do feel nervous within a dental environment should choose a dental clinic with a comforting atmosphere, in order for them to feel at ease. This should be where all the information about the implant procedure can be explained and although there may be a level of discomfort during the procedure there are many ways for this to be alleviated in a modern practice.

Do dental implants require extensive after care?

No! Despite common misconception, dental implants do not require an extensive dental aftercare regime. Some patients who are looking to undergo this form of restorative dentistry may require a rigorous aftercare routine due to the extent of the procedure, however this is not necessarily the case. An individual’s healing time can vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors (such as the severity of the case, and the number of the implants within the mouth). Once the dental implants have healed, individuals can resume a normal dental hygiene routine, such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash.

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